We don't yet know how much it'll cost, but to give you a sense let's just say that we currently spend over $5 billion a year to maintain the aging mushroom cloud layers we have sitting in torpedo bays and launch silos. I'm going to go out on a limb here...doesn't it seem even a little bit hypocritical that we're telling Iran that it can't play with these wonderful magical toys because they're not mature enough to handle them? Granted, the government there is not pro-U.S., detests Israel, and is quite possibly helping to fund terrorists, but does this strike anyone like a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black?

I'm thankful that Dubya's days are numbered and his administration's days of threat-baiting are almost at a close, but still I wonder if he's going to try and get us committed in another armed maneuver in Iran in order to prevent them from building a functional nuclear device. Hopefully we try diplomacy and sanctions before resorting to the construction of another "coalition of the willing".
So...let's see...North Korea has the bomb (but we're trying to buy them off)...Iran is working on the bomb (don't lie, you know you are)...Israel doesn't (wink-wink) have the bomb, while China, France, Russia, India, Pakistan, and the U.K. all do.

Maybe I'll just apply for the position as Warren Buffet's successor, make tons of money, then blast off to build me a nice moon mansion, and wait for the fireworks. At least then no one will be able to steal my precious bodily fluids.

1 comment:
There's an article in todays CC Times about this. Word on the street is that it's a new tactical H-Bomb. 1st renovation in 20 years. I <3 the Bush admin.
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