According to an online poll taken at the consumerist site, Cheney's baby, Halliburton, actually came in a close second. The winning WORST COMPANY in 2007 was the RIAA. What does the consumerist send the winner? A golden dog turd, of course.

On the flip side, it sounds like Google is the best place to work.
What are some of the perks?
At Google you can do your laundry; drop off your dry cleaning; get an oil change, then have your car washed; work out in the gym; attend subsidized exercise classes; get a massage; study Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, and French; and ask a personal concierge to arrange dinner reservations. Naturally you can get haircuts onsite. Want to buy a hybrid car? The company will give you $5,000 toward that environmentally friendly end. Care to refer a friend to work at Google? Google would like that too, and it'll give you a $2,000 reward. Just have a new baby? Congratulations! Your employer will reimburse you for up to $500 in takeout food to ease your first four weeks at home. Looking to make new friends? Attend a weekly TGIF party, where there's usually a band playing. Five onsite doctors are available to give you a checkup, free of charge.
It's interesting to note that work environments like this are usually not advertising the work-life balance because when all these amenities become woven into the tapestry of your life, your time at work is your life. Why would you leave? Go home to your wife? Sheesh...she's already hanging out in the parent lounge adjacent to the day-care center. Must be nice when your stock is worth $483 a share. Google is definitely not getting any golden turds.
Needless to say, I'm reminded of a theme present in Margaret Atwood's book, Oryx and Crake, where supercompanies begin to take the place of regional governments, and the sole purpose of existence is to remain affiliated with a firm that can not only employ you, but offer a modicum of safety. Compound the fact that the government seems to be able to provide funding ($624,000,000,000) for a defense budget while cutting education dollars, maybe it won't be long before we see Google start its own K-16 program for employee children, where they work on all things Google from life to death behind a safe partition of glass and mortar.
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