Friday, August 31, 2007

How Sting is better than cussing

Sweet. The city's annual art and music festival is getting set up in the streets below me, and all of the sudden a wall of music struck my building. Muted strains of Sting's "If I Ever Lose My Faith in You" leeched through the walls, with heavy bass to follow. Nice. Better than listening to my cubemates cuss about a faulty subroutine in their table schema automation for the Hyperion project. Sound check...1, 2, 3.

Here's what one of the main drags looks like with no traffic. It was like a movie set.

BTW, gaming is going to be twice as big as music by 2011. All you naysayers who think that games are just for kids and a minor passing $49 billion by 2011? That's no chump change. Maybe Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will start offering educational grant and loan money based on your achievement or character level.

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