Friday, February 9, 2007

Astronaut kidnap story optioned

What did I say.


Friday, February 9, 2007 (AP)
Producer Options Astronaut Kidnap Tale

(02-09) 12:27 PST Los Angeles (AP) --

You knew this was coming. The strange saga of the astronaut who traveled 900 miles to allegedly try to murder a rival for the affections of a fellow astronaut will be turned into a movie.

Granada America has optioned the film rights to a New York Times article on Lisa Nowak, 43, who was arrested Monday and charged with attempted murder.

Nowak, a Navy captain and mother of three, wore diapers during her trip so she wouldn't have to stop for bathroom breaks. Once in Orlando, she confronted Colleen Shipman, whom she believed was involved in a relationship with Navy Cmdr. William Oefelein, a space shuttle pilot.

Nowak brought with her a trench coat, a wig, a BB gun and pepper spray.

Granada America, which has produced made-for-TV films based on other real-life personalities, optioned a Times article written by reporter John Schwartz, who will serve as a researcher on the project.

Financial terms were not disclosed. The company said the story will be developed either for a feature or television film.

"The chronicle of Lisa Marie Nowak has had a global impact and contains almost every dramatic element possible," Granada America CEO David Gyngell said Friday. "One could not imagine a more compelling story."

Granada America is the U.S.-based production entity of ITV, one of Europe's largest broadcasters and producers. The company produced the reality series "Hell's Kitchen" and "Nanny 911" as well as the Lifetime channel movie "The Fantasia Barrino Story."

Copyright 2007 AP


  1. I have to say, they will make movies out of any story. you know there will be one about Anna Nicole Smith too! It is ashame that we can't find more intersting things to make movies about.
