Friday, January 4, 2013

Scan results

Short version: the results came back and they were less than favorable in the sense that I'm not going to be going to surgery anytime soon. There was little to no change in the tumor's shrinkage back from the blood vessels, and the surgeons don't want to operate. I'm trying to get some more information (read: translation) from the doctors about what the report means, as I don't have a firm grip on the takeaway because I don't have a medical degree. It does sound like there's still some significant encasement of some blood vessels by the tumor. Little bastard.

Needless to say I'm feeling a bit angry and frustrated by this news. The doctors at Stanford want to have another scan in 3 months. 3 fucking months. I'm trying to find out if there's different treatment options available during this time. I'm going crazy with this waiting.


  1. Damn it, I have been checking back here for the update. Sorry, Jeremy, I can imagine how the news is anger inducing. Thinking of you all, hoping you find some alternatives, or barring that, that these next three months zoom by.


  2. I want to feed that MF tumor to some MF snakes on a MF plane.

  3. Fuck cancer. Fuck that little bastard tumor. Fuck those abnormal cells. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.

  4. Ditto Ditto Ditto! Your anger and frustration are understandable and shared. Hope there is another path to go down. I know after 10 folfirinox treatments, I am ready for some better shrinkage news myself but it doesn't seem to be happening. I haven't had nearly the difficult road that you have been down and I admire your courage and fighting spirit. Eyes forward on the prize and keep on fighting as hard as that may be right now.

  5. I'm wishing you the best, Walking Eagle. FOLFIRINOX is tough stuff. It's impressive you've gone so far. Keep it up. Wishing you much shrinkage in 2013. Thank you for your continued support throughout this ordeal. It really means a lot, especially from someone else going through the same thing.
