Monday, March 19, 2007

Tracing the breadcrumbs from a chimp's mouth is a painful reminder that we've been duped

While America's sons and daughters in the U.S. Armed Services don't have the liberty to disagree with their Commander-in-Chief's decree (just take a look Lt. Erhen Watada), the civilians do. A civilian could say that the Iraqis weren't threatening his or her freedom to vote or speak freely or be a Hari Krishna for a day at SFO. A civilian could say that there is no link between Iraq and al-Qaeda. A civilian could go on to say the "Coalition of the Willing" was formed (then dissolved in 2005 - did you hear?) to legitimize a regime change of the country...that and something to do with oil and establishing a U.S. presence in an OPEC nation to secure a stable petroleum teat for our beloved Hummers.

From a civilian's point of view, I question how we got from 9/11 to the present. Based on Dubya's statements dating back to 2003, it sounds like he's saying...well...I can't really tell. It doesn't really sound coherent. If I had to take a guess, I'd say his speech writer's favorite word and book are "hyperbole" and Little Pilgrim's Progress, respectively. Here's what Dubya's had to say about the battle? fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. - May, 2003
U.S. Fatalities: 139

The plan sets out ambitious timetables and clear benchmarks to measure progress and practical methods for achieving results. In the 83 days since I announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq, we have made progress, steady progress, in restoring hope in a nation beaten down by decades of tyranny. - July, 2003
U.S. Fatalities: 206

As America carries out its strategy for security and reconstruction, we need the resources to do the job in Iraq. Soon I will send Congress a request for additional money we need to keep our commitments. In this time of challenge of America, as we ask so much of our military, we in government have a solemn responsibility to give you every tool you need to achieve victory. - September, 2003
U.S. Fatalities: 320

I'm pleased to report back from the front lines that our troops are strong, morale is high and our military is confident we will prevail. - November, 2003
U.S. Fatalities: 446

The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world; it is God's gift to humanity. - December, 2003
U.S. Fatalities: 486

We are representing 84 countries united against a common danger, and joined in a common purpose...We will face this mortal danger, and we will overcome it together. - March, 2004
U.S. Fatalities: 705

You will find that fighting injustice and evil requires a vision of goodness and truth. - May, 2004
U.S. Fatalities: 920

We have focused resources on veterans who need it most, those with service-related disabilities and low incomes and special needs. We've established a new scheduling system to make certain that veterans seeking care for a service connected condition are the first in line. - August, 2004
U.S. Fatalities: 1,062

Our men and women in the military have superb training and the best equipment and able commanders. - November, 2004
U.S. Fatalities: 1,342

You have served with honor and distinction -- and a little longer than some of you expected. (Laughter.) - February, 2005
U.S. Fatalities: 1,579

I think the Iraq government will be up to the task of defeating the insurgents. - May, 2005
U.S. Fatalities: 1,746

Our strategy is clear in Iraq. - September, 2005
U.S. Fatalities: 2,012

To achieve victory over such enemies, we are pursuing a comprehensive strategy in Iraq. Americans should have a clear understanding of this strategy. - November, 2005
U.S. Fatalities: 2,192

...that is to be able to say to our country, at any time anybody gets hurt anywhere, they're going to get the best medical care possible. And that's done right here at Bethesda, as well as Walter Reed. - December, 2005 U.S. Fatalities: 2,260

A lot of times people ask me about my attitude about things, and here's my attitude -- the only way we can lose in Iraq is if we lose our nerve. - April, 2006
U.S. Fatalities: 2,484

We're with you. We know the work is hard, but the work is necessary. And we're winning; and we're winning. - June, 2006
U.S. Fatalities: 2,614

Absolutely, we're winning. - October, 2006
U.S. Fatalities: 2,800

Tonight in Iraq, the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged in a struggle that will determine the direction of the global war on terror -- and our safety here at home. The new strategy I outline tonight will change America's course in Iraq, and help us succeed in the fight against terror. - January, 2007
U.S. Fatalities: 3,064

We're pursuing a new strategy in Iraq: a plan that demands more from Iraq's government; a plan that brings security to Baghdad, as our top priority; and a plan that gives our troops the reinforcements they need to carry out their mission. - March, 2007

Today George Bush said:
Yet those on the ground are seeing some hopeful signs.

And on the ground:
An explosion at a Shiite mosque in Baghdad killed at least eight worshippers Monday, the fourth anniversary of the start of the war, while a series of car bombs struck the oil-rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq, killing 12, police said.
U.S. Fatalities: 3,217

Happy Birthday Iraq War! You're a big 4 years old!

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